Tuesday, October 15, 2013

FACULTY POSITION: Assistant Professor, Qualitative Inquiry

Assistant Professor, Qualitative Inquiry, Department of Curriculum
and Instruction, College of Education

Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue University seeks an
Assistant Professor, Qualitative Inquiry, starting in August 2014.
This is an academic year tenure-track faculty position. The position
also includes the possibility for summer employment.

Position responsibilities include:
Develop and maintain a strong research agenda in qualitative research
methodology as evidenced by refereed publications and external and
internal grant support.
Teach face-to -face and on-line masters and doctoral in introductory
and advanced qualitative research, and core courses in pre-service
teacher education, as appropriate.
Recruit, advise and mentor masters and doctoral students.
Collaborate with faculty in the COE and other colleges at Purdue
University to promote and advance qualitative inquiry. Provide
coordination and leadership for qualitative research courses and
graduate training in qualitative inquiry.
The Purdue College of Education is committed to advancing diversity in
all areas of faculty effort, including scholarship, instruction, and
engagement. The successful candidate will be expected to be able to
demonstrate emphasis in at least one of these areas.

Required: Earned doctorate in one of the graduate areas in Curriculum
and Instruction (see
Significant demonstrated experience in qualitative research
methodologies and capacity to teach in this area. Ability to teach to
a wide and diverse audience, including graduate students from STEM
fields. Ability to provide leadership in the area of graduate training
in qualitative inquiry, and promote and expand the department's role
in providing high-quality methodology training for graduate students

Preferred: Earned doctorate in Curriculum Studies (or closely related
field). Experience in a tenure-track position. Graduate level teaching
experience, including face-to-face qualitative methodology courses.
Ability to teach courses in Curriculum Studies, including
multicultural education and related areas. Experience working with
doctoral students. Record of published qualitative research.
Demonstrated record of interdisciplinary collaboration.

August 18, 2014

Review of applications will begin October 19, 2013 and continue until
the position is filled. Applicants can apply electronically by sending
the following as a Word or PDF file to hainesg@purdue.edu : 1) letter
of application; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) two writing samples (e.g.,
published article, book chapter); 4) statement of research goals and
plans; 5) sample qualitative inquiry syllabus, appropriate for an
introductory doctoral level course for a campus-wide audience; and 6)
three letters of recommendation submitted by the writer under separate
cover. Inquiries about the position may be directed to:
Professor Nadine Dolby, Search Committee Chair
c/o Gina Haines (hainesg@purdue.edu)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
100 N. University St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction: The Department of
Curriculum and Instruction offers high quality learning programs to
prepare education professionals for positions in schools, higher
education, and the workplace. Our faculty conducts research that links
theory to practice leading to new discoveries in many aspects of the
teaching and learning process across a wide variety of educational
contexts. C&I serves the needs of society through engagement with our
local, state, national, and international communities. We value
collaboration, community, diversity, global perspectives, inquiry, and
reflection, and we aspire to provide educational leadership in an
increasingly diverse, interconnected, and technology-rich world.
Additional information about the department is available at:

THE UNIVERSITY: Purdue, a leading land grant and research university,
ranks among the 15 largest universities in the nation. The university
has an enrollment of more than 38,000 on the West Lafayette Campus and
more than 14,000 on the regional campuses in Indiana. It is located in
West Lafayette, IN, 65 miles northwest of Indianapolis and 125 miles
southeast of Chicago.

A background check will be required for employment in this position.


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