Monday, September 8, 2014

The Educational Policy Institute and the EPI Foundation are co-hosting EDUCATION WEEK, September 28-October 3, 2014, SAN ANTONIO TX

EPI Education Week 2014

September 28-October 3, 2014

The Educational Policy Institute and the EPI Foundation are co-hosting EDUCATION WEEK this fall in San Antonio, Texas. This year's EDUCATION WEEK features three signature EPI events, including the Retention 101 Certification Workshop, designed for education professionals interested in learning more about retaining students in higher education while developing the core elements of a strategic plan for student success; the Retention 2014 Student Success Symposium, EPI's Eighth Annual Retention conference that brings together hundreds of educators to learn more about what works on college campuses; and the EPI Forum on Education & the Economy, a discussion of the impact and importance of education for society and the workforce.

This year, EPI has brought all three events together to allow for synergies between audiences and topic areas. The Retention 2014 Student Success Symposium and the EPI Forum on Education & the Economy will have a joint luncheon keynote session to bridge the events.

Registration is now open for all three events and a CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS is open until May 15 for the Retention 2014 Student Success Symposium. Visit our website at for additional information. Registration fees are discounted for groups and for multiple event attendance. Sponsors include the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

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