Monday, September 22, 2014

Faculty Position: Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), with specialization in Early Childhood Education, The University of Texas at Austin

 Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), with specialization in Early Childhood Education 
The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, invites applications for the following position in our Early Childhood Education program, to begin Fall 2015: 
• A doctorate in Early Childhood Education or related field 
• Demonstrated excellence or potential for excellence in research and teaching 
• Experience in teaching young children 
• A strong research agenda focused on early childhood education 
Successful candidates will teach undergraduate courses in our teacher certification programs (prekindergarten through the primary grades) and graduate courses in our Early Childhood Education graduate degree programs. Above all, we seek a talented scholar who has experience teaching young children, to work collaboratively with a faculty committed to innovative and socially responsive research, teaching, and service in undergraduate and graduate programs. The Department of Curriculum and Instruction has a strong commitment to issues of equity, cultural relevance, and social justice in education and field-based teacher education. 

All applications will be electronic. Submit letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, and a sample of scholarly writing Subject line: Early Childhood Search. Also, please have 3 letters of reference emailed to the same address, directly from their writers. 
Application reviews begin December 1, 2014 and continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Background check conducted on applicant selected for hire. The University of Texas at Austin is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 

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