Friday, November 22, 2013

Please see the link below to the inaugural issue of the Texas Education Review, a brand-new graduate student-run journal at the University of Texas at Austin.

Please see the link below to the inaugural issue of the Texas Education Review, a brand-new graduate student-run journal at the University of Texas at Austin.

This first issue is made up entirely of editorial perspective pieces on different topics (like charter schools, etc) that will each eventually be one part of their own section when our full website launches in the spring. Along with these perspective pieces each section will have featured academic articles, background pieces, and other media related to the topic area. We invited a range of people to submit different perspectives pieces for this first issue so the group is pretty diverse! I have included a list below.

Volume One – Time Capsule 2013

To the Times in Which We Live  Texas Education Review Editorial Board
The Texas Educational Landscape
Legislative Update – 83rd Texas Legislature  Representative Jimmie Don Aycock, DVM
Bilingual Education
Language Policy Insights: A New Hope for Educating Our Latino Population                Nancy Compean-Garcia, EdD & Samuel Garcia, EdD
Campus Climate (Higher Education)
Improving Campus Climate: The Role of Social Justice                                                Connie T. Wolfe, PhD & Janine Kay Gwen Chi, PhD
Charter Schools
Education Technology
Entrepreneurship Education
Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?  Robert Metcalfe, PhD
Free Speech in Schools
Gaming & Education
Learning Systems, Not Games  James Paul Gee, PhD
Minority Student Achievement
Queer Theory in Education
STEM Education
Teacher Quality
Addressing the Teacher Quality Gap Before Making the Hiring Decision                       Ebbie Parsons, III, EdD
Urban Education

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