Thursday, November 7, 2013

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Native American & Indigenous Studies Association 2014 Annual Conference

Native American & Indigenous Studies Association 2014 

The Conference

NAISA dia de los muertos
Welcome to the Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAISA) 2014 Annual Meeting website. In 2014 the meeting will take place from May 29-31 in Austin, Texas, and is hosted by Native American and Indigenous Studies and the University of Texas at Austin. Here you’ll find all of the relevant information for the upcoming conference. This site will be updated as more information becomes available. If you have questions about site content or are having trouble finding information, please contact our site administrator Matt Cohen at We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
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NAISA Council is pleased to announce that the new Abstract Collector is NOW OPEN at:
The DEADLINE to submit your abstract / proposal is November 15, 2013, midnight U.S. Pacific time.
NAISA Council is accepting proposals for Individual Papers, Panels, Roundtables, and Film Screenings. Go to for complete guidelines on how to submit, as well as Templates and Instructions for each category of submission.
In order to submit an abstract, you will be asked to create an account on EventInterface. SAVE your login and password information: you will need these to log in (after December 20, 2013) to check to see if your abstract has been accepted. NAISA will also use EventInterface for conference Registration, so you will be able to use the same account log in information when you register.
Please remember the 1 person = 1 role rule! An individual may only be associated with ONE proposal (although one person may serve in more than 1 role WITHIN one panel or roundtable; for example, one person may serve as Chair and participant within a Roundtable or Film Screening; or as Chair and presenter within a panel, or serve as Chair and Commentator within a panel). Council will accept proposals for Double Panels (two linked panels) and names can appear across the linked panels (for example, one person may serve as Chair on one linked panel and as presenter on another). Council will NOT accept proposals for Triple Panels (three linked panels). See the Guidelines and Instructions for more information.
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for the
Hosted by the University of Texas at Austin
May 29-31, 2014
The NAISA Council invites scholars working in Native American and
Indigenous Studies to submit proposals for:
Individual papers, panel sessions, roundtables, or film screenings.
All persons working in Native American and Indigenous Studies are invited and encouraged to apply.  Proposals are welcome from faculty and students in colleges, universities, and tribal colleges; from community-based scholars and elders; and from professionals working in the field.
All those accepted to the Program must be NAISA members
and must register for the meeting.
PLEASE NOTE: The Council limits submissions to one proposed session per person, in order to maximize representation at the meetings.  Each person can only be part of one proposal of any kind.  The Council reserves the right to disqualify proposals that include individuals who are part of more than one proposal.  Someone may however, be proposed to both Chair and present or Chair and comment within one session. Also, someone may organize a panel in which s/he does not have an active role and would be able to present a paper or chair/comment at another time in the program.
The Council may recruit panel chairs and commentators from people on successful proposals.
GO TO for more information
about NAISA and the Austin 2014 meeting or email:NAISA2014UTAUSTIN@GMAIL.COM
Only complete proposals submitted through the online Abstract Collector before the
deadline will receive consideration
Detailed instructions for submitting proposals will be available on both websites by
September 1, 2013
DEADLINE for proposal submission: NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Para la Sexta Conferencia Anual
Patrocinada por la University of Texas at Austin
29, 30 y 31 de mayo de 2014
El Consejo de NAISA convoca a investigadores(as) del campo de los Estudios Indígenas y Nativo Americanos a enviar propuestas para:
ponencias individuales, paneles, mesas redondas o películas.
Se invita propuestas de académicos(as) y estudiantes de universidades y colegios tribales, de investigadores(as) y autoridades de comunidades o pueblos indígenas, y de profesionales trabajando en este campo de estudios.
De ser aceptadas sus propuestas, deben hacerse miembros de NAISA
 y registrarse para la conferencia.
Favor de Tener en Cuenta: El Consejo limita los envíos a una propuesta por persona, con el objetivo de ampliar la representación en la conferencia. Cada persona puede solamente participar con una propuesta, del tipo que sea. El Consejo se reserva el derecho a descalificar propuestas que incluyan a individuos que presenten más de una propuesta. Sin embargo, alguien pudiera postularse: o para Encargado(a) de un Panel y ponente; o para Encargado(a) de un Panel y comentarista, dentro de una sesión. También, una persona pudiera organizar un panel en el cual no juega un rol activo y podría así presentar un ensayo, o ser Encargado(a) de un Panel, o ser comentarista, en otra sesión en el programa. El Consejo puediera reclutar Encargados(as) de Paneles o comentaristas entre participantes con propuestas  aceptadas.
FAVOR IR A: para más información sobre NAISA, o enviar un correo electrónico a: NAISA2014UTAUSTIN@GMAIL.COM
Solamente se considerarán propuestas completas enviadas antes de la fecha límite a través del Colector de Resúmenes (Abstract Collector) disponible en línea. Instrucciones detalladas para el envío de propuestas estarán disponibles el 1 de septiembre de 2013 en los sitios web arriba consignados.
FECHA LIMITE para envío de propuestas: 15 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2013

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