Monday, November 4, 2013

JoLLE@UGA 2014 Spring Conference

JoLLE@UGA 2014 Spring Conference
Literacy for/and Social Justice: Inspire, Engage, Create, Transform
Feb. 1415, 2014

About the Conference: As educators, students, researchers, community members, and others expand notions of
what “literacy” means, they must also increase efforts to ensure that literacy opportunities are equitable for and
welcoming to all. Our theme this year, “Literacy and/for Social Justice: Inspire, Engage, Create, Transform,” emphasizes
the role of literacy, both as a means of incorporating social justice into curriculum and as a method for
performing socially just practices. This theme welcomes wide-ranging notions of how one might define or practice
literacy, and how one’s understandings of literacy might include or address issues of social justice. The
JoLLE@UGA conference established itself last year as being action-oriented, innovative, and creative; and being
informed by current research, theory, and practice.

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