Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Call for Manuscripts--Democracy & Education

CFP: Democracy & Education

Manuscripts accepted on a rolling basis
In each issue of Democracy & Education we are pleased to feature conversations about topics in democratic education among leading scholars in the field. Because we value the open exchange of ideas, each issue is available free to everyone.

Issues of Democracy & Education contain five to six "conversations" between scholars. The editors invite two general types of submissions: feature article submissions and responses. We see this kind of sustained, public engagement as crucial to knowledge formation and dialogue in a democracy. All submissions are peer reviewed.

We are seeking responses to any of our previously published "feature" articles in essay (4,000 words) or alternate forms, such as edited videos or artwork. Recent or forthcoming feature articles include:

The Broad Challenge to Democratic Leadership: The Other Crisis in Education, by Vachel W. Miller
Unalienated Recognition as a Feature of Democratic Schooling, by Alison Rheingold
Heeding Woolf’s Great Teacher: Uncovering and Defusing an Education in “Unreal Loyalties”, by Stacy Otto
Emerson, Reading, and Democracy: Reading as Engaged Democratic Citizenship (forthcoming), by Michael Boatright and Mark Faust
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Privileged Students' Conceptions of Justice-Oriented Citizenship (forthcoming), by Katie Swalwell
Education as a Human Right in the 21st Century (forthcoming), by Sharon Lee
Educating for a Critical Democracy: Civic Agency Re-imagined in the Council of Youth Research (forthcoming), by Nicole Mirra, Ernest D. Morrell, Ebony Cain, D'Artagnan Scorza, and Arlene Ford
Imagination and Experience: An Integrative Framework (forthcoming), by Mark Fettes
Pushing the Boundaries: What Youth Organizers at Boston's Hyde Square Task Force Have to Teach Us About Civic Engagement (forthcoming), by Meredith Mirra

We are also seeking feature articles (5,000-8,000 words). A manuscript is considered a feature article submission if it initiates a new conversation, i.e., is not a response to a previous article. Such submissions include traditional scholarly texts as well as other genres of writing and media formats. The editors encourage submissions utilizing diverse methodologies and forms of expression. While we welcome articles that include discussions of teaching strategies, such examinations should be grounded within and primarily focused on analyses of how such work advances our understanding of the intersection of democracy and education.

You can submit a response or new feature article online at: 

About Democracy & Education

The mission of Democracy & Education is to provoke rigorous, open, and inclusive engagement with the challenges of educating youth in the pre-K-12 age span for active participation in a democratic society. The journal seeks to support and sustain conversations that take as their focus the conceptual foundations, social policies, institutional structures, and teaching/learning practices associated with democratic education.

Kind regards,
The Editors of Democracy & Education
-Scott Fletcher, Executive Editor, Lewis & Clark
-Liza Finkel, Editor, Portland State University
-PJ Nelsen, Editor, Appalachian State University
-Jayson Seaman, University of New Hampshire

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