Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Position Available: San José State University, Connie L. Lurie College of Education, Department Chair for Secondary Teacher Education, Rank: Associate or Full Professor (Department Chair) (Closing Date: Still Searching!)

San José State University, Connie L. Lurie College of Education,
Department Chair for Secondary Teacher Education, Rank: Associate or
Full Professor (Department Chair) (Closing Date: Still Searching!)

More Info At: http://www.sjsu.edu/facultyaffairs/unit3/tenuretrack/Employment/23046-SecEd_2015_EDU.pdf

San José State University 
San José, California 

Subject to Budgetary Approval 
Connie L. Lurie College of Education 
Department Chair for Secondary Teacher Education 
JOID Number: 23046 

Rank: Associate or Full Professor (Department Chair) 

Qualifications: Required: Earned doctorate in Education or a related field. Candidate must have a professional record at a level commensurate with tenure and advanced rank, which includes an active record of scholarship in field of expertise, demonstrated excellence in teaching at the college level, and demonstrated ability to seek and secure grant funding. Experience teaching in K-12 schools also required. Applicants should demonstrate an awareness of and sensitivity to working in a diverse community and should have successful experiences in collaborative work. 

Preferred: Demonstrated record of leadership and program development within the university and in the broader K-12 community. Research and experience in secondary education, including but not limited to multicultural education, teacher education, and/or teacher professional development. Experience teaching in public secondary classrooms with culturally and linguistically diverse students and/or preparing teachers to work in such contexts. Experience with using technology to enhance instruction. The Department of Secondary Education is especially interested in candidates whose research and scholarship focus on social justice, progressive education, national, state or local networks, and/or school-based reforms that serve low-income communities. 

Responsibilities: Chair the Department of Secondary Education and coordinate the Single Subject credential program. Participate in developing school/university partnerships. Participate in and take a leadership role in shared governance through department, College, and University committee service, and in curriculum/program support and development. Maintain an active research program and participate in scholarly associations at the regional, state, and national levels. Supervise student-teachers and/or teach one or more of the following foundations courses: multicultural education, educational psychology, assessment/evaluation, language/literacy development, or creating effective learning environments. Candidates must address the needs of a student population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity, primary language, and academic preparation – through course materials, teaching strategies, and advisement. 

Salary Range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Starting Date: June 1, 2015 

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