(57) 1 323 9300 Ext. 6362Dear colleagues,Besides greeting you, I would like to inform you that the Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal's latest issue is already available at http://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/ojs/index.php/calj/ issue/view/641/showToc You can read every article, and have unlimited access to all of our content for free.I take this opportunity to remind you that CALJ is permanently receiving articles. I would like to kindly invite you all to participate in our issues scheduled for 2016, Volume 18, Numbers 1 and 2.All articles must be submitted through the Open Journal Systems platform, http://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/ojs/index. php/calj. All authors need to register in order to submit their papers. If any difficulties are presented in the submission process, please do not hesitate in writing to caljournal .ud@gmail.com, where you will get the assistance needed.
The Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal has been indexed in Education Research Abstracts (ERA), Modern Language Association Bibliography (MLA), Latindex, SciELO Colombia, Redalyc, Ulrich’s Periodicals, EBSCO Publishing, DOAJ, e-Revistasand Publindex, category A2.
Please visit our web page for more information about the journal, the submission process, and guidelines for authorshttp://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/ojs/index. php/calj/about. Have a great day!Sincerely,Laura DuperretCALJ Assistant
Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal
Amparo Clavijo Olarte, Ph.D., Editor
Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas
Bogota, Colombia
caljournal.ud@gmail.comAvenida Cuidad de Quito Nº 64-81 Oficina 704 Join us on Facebook!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Journal Access: Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal
Call for Abstracts: English Teaching, Practice and Critique Special Issue: Youth Literacies and Social Justice Abstract Submissions due July 15, 2015
English Teaching, Practice and Critique
Special Issue: Youth Literacies and Social Justice
Abstract Submissions due July 15, 2015
For more information, please visit http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/etpc.htm
Fifteen years into the new millennium. What’s different? What remains the same? In
what ways are youth engaging with literacy in their lives? How is literacy as a social
practice conceived and theorized in relation to social justice? In what ways are
young people talking back and speaking truth to power? What youth literacies have
emerged, and why do they matter?
With continual flows of information encouraged by new technologies, young people
around the world are engaging literacies in ways that demonstrate sophisticated civic
participation and creative production. Literacy practices at home, in school, and in
places in between have arguably become far more visible than ever, and many youth
are contributing to larger discourses and forms of action in their respective contexts.
These youth are increasingly putting their mark on the world despite contradictions
and challenges in politically austere times.
In this special issue, the editors invite trans-disciplinary perspectives on youth
literacies related to social justice. Work that engages with critical race, feminist,
queer, ethnic studies, and Indigenous frameworks are welcome. Topics may include,
but are not limited to, the following:
• Home, school, or community practices
• Digital technologies and participatory cultures
• Pedagogical possibilities across educational settings, inclusive of classroom
practice, research and policy implications
• Participatory work that involves youth in the research process as well as
collaborators and authors
• Youth community activism and community organizing
There will be two sections for consideration: article and creative. The article section
will feature conceptual or empirical papers. The creative section will feature youthproduced
work (poems, short essays, artworks with captions, and related material).
Submit an abstract no longer than 500 words (article section) or a brief
statement about ideas to ETPCyouthliteracies@gmail.com (not Emerald) by
July 15, 2015.
Authors will be notified in mid-August. Full manuscripts of selected abstracts
as well as featured youth produced-work are due on November 1, 2015.
Special issue will be published in November/December 2016.
Korina Jocson, College of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Keisha Green, College of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rob Simon, OISE, University of Toronto
Friday, June 19, 2015
Educational Theory Summer Institute 2015, Technologies of Reading and Writing, free and open to the public, on Wednesday, August 19 Lunch and refreshments provided
Educational Theory Summer Institute 2015
Technologies of Reading and Writing
Featuring a conference, free and open to the public, on Wednesday, August 19
Lunch and refreshments provided
RSVP to Roman Friedman (rfridmn2@illinois.edu)
The journal Educational Theory and the Department of Education Policy,
Organization & Leadership are pleased to announce the Sixth Annual
Educational Theory Summer Institute (ETSI), to be held at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from August 17-19, 2015.
This year’s theme is “Technologies of Reading and Writing.”
Educational Theory has commissioned a team of leading international
scholars to produce fresh and substantive contributions to a special
issue on the theme. The 2015 participants are:
Cathy Adams, University of Alberta
Nicholas Burbules, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Amanda Fulford, Leeds Trinity University
Naomi Hodgson, University College London
Anna Kouppanou, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Anne Mangen, University of Stavanger
Joris Vlieghe, The University of Edinburgh
During the first two days of the institute, participants will workshop
each other's papers in internal sessions with Educational Theory
friends and colleagues. The institute will culminate on Wednesday,
August 19, with an all-day open conference, featuring the scholars
above and other area scholars (to be announced). The conference
explores the intersection between reading, writing, and literacy with
emerging technologies, social media, and digitization. It will feature
three panels:
The Bodily Dimensions of Learning How to Read and Write
Hypertext, Social Media and Literacies
Practices and Gestures of Writing
All of those interested in the technological aspects of education are
invited to attend (contact Roman Friedmanrfridmn2@illinois.edu for
further details or to RSVP).
Technologies of Reading and Writing
Featuring a conference, free and open to the public, on Wednesday, August 19
Lunch and refreshments provided
RSVP to Roman Friedman (rfridmn2@illinois.edu)
The journal Educational Theory and the Department of Education Policy,
Organization & Leadership are pleased to announce the Sixth Annual
Educational Theory Summer Institute (ETSI), to be held at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from August 17-19, 2015.
This year’s theme is “Technologies of Reading and Writing.”
Educational Theory has commissioned a team of leading international
scholars to produce fresh and substantive contributions to a special
issue on the theme. The 2015 participants are:
Cathy Adams, University of Alberta
Nicholas Burbules, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Amanda Fulford, Leeds Trinity University
Naomi Hodgson, University College London
Anna Kouppanou, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Anne Mangen, University of Stavanger
Joris Vlieghe, The University of Edinburgh
During the first two days of the institute, participants will workshop
each other's papers in internal sessions with Educational Theory
friends and colleagues. The institute will culminate on Wednesday,
August 19, with an all-day open conference, featuring the scholars
above and other area scholars (to be announced). The conference
explores the intersection between reading, writing, and literacy with
emerging technologies, social media, and digitization. It will feature
three panels:
The Bodily Dimensions of Learning How to Read and Write
Hypertext, Social Media and Literacies
Practices and Gestures of Writing
All of those interested in the technological aspects of education are
invited to attend (contact Roman Friedmanrfridmn2@illinois.edu for
further details or to RSVP).
Call for Proposals: THE NORMAN CHAPTER OF THE OKLAHOMA EDUCATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION, 2015 Annual Meeting, August 8 The University of Oklahoma
Call for Proposals for the 2015 Annual Meeting, August 8
The University of Oklahoma
Samis Center at Children’s Hospital, OU Health Sciences Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Welcoming New Visions:
Creating a Culture of Holistic Education for Health, Well-Being and
Social Justice
OESA-Norman brings together faculty, graduate students, independent
scholars, and teacher-researchers interested in exploring historical
hegemonic structures, critical problems and questions associated with
education, both within and beyond traditional notions of schooling.
This conference is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to
present their work in a supportive and collegial environment. Faculty
members are also encouraged to attend, to present individually or with
students, and to serve as discussants and moderators. Activists,
practitioners, and members of the community outside academe are also
invited to attend, at a reduced registration fee.
We are especially honored to announce Dr. Mirelsie Velazquez,
Assistant Professor at The University of Oklahoma, as our opening
keynote speaker. Dr. Velazquez joined the Educational Studies Faculty
in OU’s College of Education in the fall 2015. She is educational
historian interested in issues of race/ethnicity, historical research
in education, and gender and sexuality. She teaches courses on History
of American Education, Critical Race Theory, Latino Education, Oral
History, and Historiography of Education. Her research has focused on
history of Latino education, Puerto Rican history in the diaspora,
social movements, and history of Latinas in the U.S. Locally, Dr.
Velazquez is working on issues pertaining to community involvement in
Latino and African American communities, as well as access to higher
education for underrepresented communities of color.
The 2015 program committee invites proposals for papers, symposia,
alternative sessions, and posters presenting inquiries on all topics
related to the broad field of educational studies as conceived by
OESA’s national affiliate, the American Educational Studies
Association (http://www. educationalstudies.org/). We welcome proposals
from a full range of theoretical, disciplinary, and interdisciplinary
perspectives that include the following educational emphases:
• History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, and
Aesthetics of Education
• Educational Policy Studies
• Curriculum Studies
• Cultural Studies
• Gender and Sexuality Studies
• Comparative and International Education
• Social-Psychological Theory
• Rhetoric and Literacy-Educational Studies
• Family Studies
• Professional Education Studies
• Library, Mass Communications, and Media-Literacy Education
• Museum and Arts-Integrated Education
• Restorative Justice and Prison Education
• School Social Work & Youth Recreational Education
• Education for Social Justice and Eco-Justice
We especially encourage proposals that collaborate across academic and
other educational institutions, consider inter-and cross-disciplinary
topics, and address the conference theme.
ABOUT OESA-Norman (Mission Statement)
OESA-Norman is an academic organization that supports education and
the professional development of prospective, past, and current
graduate students doing work in the field of Educational Studies
Please submit proposals electronically to oesanorman@gmail.com on or
before midnight, June 30, 2015.
Proposal Overview
This year’s theme, Welcoming New Visions: Creating a Culture of
Holistic Education for Health, Well-Being and Social Justice, is
intentionally broad. We wish to encourage scholarship that takes a
fresh look at education from new and innovative perspectives on
personal and/or community levels – that explores aspects of democracy
and egalitarianism in formal and informal educational settings – that
expands the notion of learning beyond the walls of schools. In other
words, this conference aims to explore the distinct connection between
the ability to live a full and happy life and lived educational
experience. To that end, this year’s theme focuses specifically on
educational inquiry into how we become leaders in and custodians of
our communities, our classrooms, and our field. Further, OESA wishes
to engage in an open and honest conversation regarding the state of
urban public education and how its status is impacted by issues of
health, well being, and social justice. We want to explore current
activist and outreach programs that connect higher education to urban
public schools and the larger community while also envisioning future
projects that impact on schools in urban communities.
Proposal Guidelines
Proposal submissions should include a cover page and a brief summary.
The cover page should include: the title of the proposal, the proposal
category, the name of the presenter(s), institutional affiliation, and
an email address and telephone number for each participant. The
summary should include: the title of the proposal,
objectives/purposes, context, methods, arguments/conclusions, and,
importance/relevance. Do not include identifying information in the
summary. Summaries for individual papers and posters should not exceed
500 words and those for symposia and alternative sessions should not
exceed 1000 words (excluding references).
Review Process
Multiple reviewers will evaluate all proposals without access to
identifying information about the author(s). Based on the evaluations
and recommendations of the program and academic committee, the OESA
secretary will notify the person submitting the proposal as to whether
the proposal has been accepted. In the case of co-authored papers,
symposia, or alternative sessions, the OESA secretary will notify the
person who submitted the proposal.
Proposal Categories
Individual Paper
Individual papers will be grouped together around common or
overlapping themes, in the form of a symposium, with an assigned chair
and/or discussant. Presenters will have approximately 20 minutes to
read, summarize, or discuss their individual papers.
A symposium is composed of three to five participants (who present or
summarize and discuss papers), as well as a chair and a discussant.
Each symposium is organized around a common theme. A symposium
proposal should include the title of the symposium, a brief (1-2
paragraph) overview of the symposium theme, and the title and brief
description of each paper. Symposia will be allocated 90 minutes on
the program.
Alternative Format
Formats for alternative sessions include: performances; video and
multimedia presentations; and round-table dialogues. Proposals for
alternative sessions should include information on the session’s
topic, content, approach or purpose, as well as the roles to be played
by the participants. Typically, alternative sessions will have 90
minutes to present or discuss their topic.
A poster session will be offered during which students, educators, and
practitioners can present research, projects, and original work
related to the conference theme. Posters are intended to provide
participants with the ability to connect with others and engage in
substantive discussions about their work.
Call for Proposals for the 2015 Annual Meeting, August 8
The University of Oklahoma
Samis Center at Children’s Hospital, OU Health Sciences Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Welcoming New Visions:
Creating a Culture of Holistic Education for Health, Well-Being and
Social Justice
OESA-Norman brings together faculty, graduate students, independent
scholars, and teacher-researchers interested in exploring historical
hegemonic structures, critical problems and questions associated with
education, both within and beyond traditional notions of schooling.
This conference is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to
present their work in a supportive and collegial environment. Faculty
members are also encouraged to attend, to present individually or with
students, and to serve as discussants and moderators. Activists,
practitioners, and members of the community outside academe are also
invited to attend, at a reduced registration fee.
We are especially honored to announce Dr. Mirelsie Velazquez,
Assistant Professor at The University of Oklahoma, as our opening
keynote speaker. Dr. Velazquez joined the Educational Studies Faculty
in OU’s College of Education in the fall 2015. She is educational
historian interested in issues of race/ethnicity, historical research
in education, and gender and sexuality. She teaches courses on History
of American Education, Critical Race Theory, Latino Education, Oral
History, and Historiography of Education. Her research has focused on
history of Latino education, Puerto Rican history in the diaspora,
social movements, and history of Latinas in the U.S. Locally, Dr.
Velazquez is working on issues pertaining to community involvement in
Latino and African American communities, as well as access to higher
education for underrepresented communities of color.
The 2015 program committee invites proposals for papers, symposia,
alternative sessions, and posters presenting inquiries on all topics
related to the broad field of educational studies as conceived by
OESA’s national affiliate, the American Educational Studies
Association (http://www.
from a full range of theoretical, disciplinary, and interdisciplinary
perspectives that include the following educational emphases:
• History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, and
Aesthetics of Education
• Educational Policy Studies
• Curriculum Studies
• Cultural Studies
• Gender and Sexuality Studies
• Comparative and International Education
• Social-Psychological Theory
• Rhetoric and Literacy-Educational Studies
• Family Studies
• Professional Education Studies
• Library, Mass Communications, and Media-Literacy Education
• Museum and Arts-Integrated Education
• Restorative Justice and Prison Education
• School Social Work & Youth Recreational Education
• Education for Social Justice and Eco-Justice
We especially encourage proposals that collaborate across academic and
other educational institutions, consider inter-and cross-disciplinary
topics, and address the conference theme.
ABOUT OESA-Norman (Mission Statement)
OESA-Norman is an academic organization that supports education and
the professional development of prospective, past, and current
graduate students doing work in the field of Educational Studies
Please submit proposals electronically to oesanorman@gmail.com on or
before midnight, June 30, 2015.
Proposal Overview
This year’s theme, Welcoming New Visions: Creating a Culture of
Holistic Education for Health, Well-Being and Social Justice, is
intentionally broad. We wish to encourage scholarship that takes a
fresh look at education from new and innovative perspectives on
personal and/or community levels – that explores aspects of democracy
and egalitarianism in formal and informal educational settings – that
expands the notion of learning beyond the walls of schools. In other
words, this conference aims to explore the distinct connection between
the ability to live a full and happy life and lived educational
experience. To that end, this year’s theme focuses specifically on
educational inquiry into how we become leaders in and custodians of
our communities, our classrooms, and our field. Further, OESA wishes
to engage in an open and honest conversation regarding the state of
urban public education and how its status is impacted by issues of
health, well being, and social justice. We want to explore current
activist and outreach programs that connect higher education to urban
public schools and the larger community while also envisioning future
projects that impact on schools in urban communities.
Proposal Guidelines
Proposal submissions should include a cover page and a brief summary.
The cover page should include: the title of the proposal, the proposal
category, the name of the presenter(s), institutional affiliation, and
an email address and telephone number for each participant. The
summary should include: the title of the proposal,
objectives/purposes, context, methods, arguments/conclusions, and,
importance/relevance. Do not include identifying information in the
summary. Summaries for individual papers and posters should not exceed
500 words and those for symposia and alternative sessions should not
exceed 1000 words (excluding references).
Review Process
Multiple reviewers will evaluate all proposals without access to
identifying information about the author(s). Based on the evaluations
and recommendations of the program and academic committee, the OESA
secretary will notify the person submitting the proposal as to whether
the proposal has been accepted. In the case of co-authored papers,
symposia, or alternative sessions, the OESA secretary will notify the
person who submitted the proposal.
Proposal Categories
Individual Paper
Individual papers will be grouped together around common or
overlapping themes, in the form of a symposium, with an assigned chair
and/or discussant. Presenters will have approximately 20 minutes to
read, summarize, or discuss their individual papers.
A symposium is composed of three to five participants (who present or
summarize and discuss papers), as well as a chair and a discussant.
Each symposium is organized around a common theme. A symposium
proposal should include the title of the symposium, a brief (1-2
paragraph) overview of the symposium theme, and the title and brief
description of each paper. Symposia will be allocated 90 minutes on
the program.
Alternative Format
Formats for alternative sessions include: performances; video and
multimedia presentations; and round-table dialogues. Proposals for
alternative sessions should include information on the session’s
topic, content, approach or purpose, as well as the roles to be played
by the participants. Typically, alternative sessions will have 90
minutes to present or discuss their topic.
A poster session will be offered during which students, educators, and
practitioners can present research, projects, and original work
related to the conference theme. Posters are intended to provide
participants with the ability to connect with others and engage in
substantive discussions about their work.
Call for Papers: Thresholds in Education
Thresholds in Education (ISSN 0196-9641)
Guest Editor:
John Petrovic, The University of Alabama
This special issue seeks to elaborate on two themes: the nature of
controversy and the use of controversial topics as pedagogy in
schools. Authors are free to engage the themes discretely or
On the Nature of Controversy
The “nature of controversy” refers to the question of how a topic is
deemed “controversial.” What does it mean to say something is
controversial? A criterion of numerosity (or behavioral criterion),
wherein a topic is deemed controversial simply because disagreement
attaches to it, is probably insufficient. How many people must
disagree? Must the disagreement be reasonable? Should we treat Nazism
as controversial because some people deny the holocaust?
Michael Hand, for example, argues that there are no reasonable
arguments against homosexuality and that it, therefore, should not be
approached as a controversial issue in schools, even as people
disagree. Hand defends what he calls the epistemic criterion, wherein
an issue cannot be held to be controversial if argument on one side or
the other is contrary to reason. Petrovic, however, defends a
political criterion by which controversy obtains when no answer to an
issue is entailed in the public values of the liberal democratic
state. What are the pedagogical implications here? Do we even need
determine philosophically the nature of controversy before discussing
pedagogical issues? Might the behavioral criterion be sufficient? Can
we assume, in other words, that any disagreement can promote the
development of the capacity for democratic deliberation and civic
engagement – presumably the raison d'etre of controversy as pedagogy?
Controversy as Pedagogy
Too often teachers consider the introduction of a controversial issue
as a method in and of itself under the assumption that it will
engender not only discussion but also thoughtful discussion. To
discuss controversy as pedagogy, we must consider a number of
interrelated questions: Are all controversial issues pedagogically
equal? Or, put another way, should all controversial issues be dealt
with in schools or can we determine that certain issues are more or
less educative or even miseducative than others or just too
controversial? Diana Hess, for example, rightly contemns that there
seems to be little support “for engaging young people in serious
discussions of policy and constitutional issues related to abortion.”
Given the very strong positions on both sides of such an issue, might
an issue be too controversial or the positions too far apart? Could
engagement with such an issue have “the effect of arresting or
distorting the growth of further experience,” as Dewey cautioned? What
happens to students who hold less popular or more radical views? Might
they not retreat and simply “dig in”? What happens to students who
really just don't know? Are they expected to take a position in the
end? Should students be allowed to be “positionless” always? If so,
how do their own values form and on what grounds do they engage in
democratic deliberation?
Having waded through such questions, how should we introduce
controversial issues in schools? What practices might best serve our
purpose in dealing with controversy in the first place? Is simple
debate among students enough? Are there guiding principles of such
debate that should be taught first and what are those? Might they too
be controversial? For example, must one really respect positions s/he
finds repugnant? How should such respect manifest? What should the
role of the teacher be? Should she seek to lead students to certain
understandings? If she holds that an issue about which there is
disagreement betrays the epistemic criterion or the political
criterion, shouldn't the pedagogy be leading?
Author Guidelines
Proposal Format
Please email a 500-1000 word, excluding references, proposal for
review in a word document to John Petrovic (contact information below)
by August 1, 2015. This proposal should include a list of key
references that will be utilized in the chapter, as well as 3-4
keywords. Also, please include a brief author bio (200 word limit) and
all relevant contact information.
Final Manuscript Formatting
• TIE accepts manuscripts of up to 10,000 words, including abstract,
list of keywords, appendices, footnotes and references, and reserves
the right to return any manuscript that exceeds that length.
• All text must be double-spaced; type size must be 12 point with
1-inch margins on all sides.
• Authors should refer to The Chicago Manual of Style for general
questions of style, grammar, punctuation, and form, and for footnotes
of theoretical, descriptive, or essay-like material.
• The journal defers to author preference in decisions about the
naming and capitalization of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.
Manuscripts should be internally consistent in this regard.
Call for papers: May 1, 2015
Proposals Due: August 1, 2015
Accept/Reject: August 28, 2015
Draft Articles Due: January 8, 2016
Feedback to authors: March 8, 2016
Final Drafts Due: May 8, 2016
Published: Summer 2016
Contact Info:
John E. Petrovic
The University of Alabama
Box 870302
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0302
205 348 0465 (office)
205 348 2161 (fax)
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Convocatoria: Coloquio Internacional Más allá de los bordes y las fronteras: trasnacionalismo y creación
Convocatoria Coloquio Internacional
Más allá de los bordes y las fronteras: trasnacionalismo y creación
Más allá de los bordes y las fronteras: trasnacionalismo y creación

La Casa de las Américas, a través de su Programa de Estudios sobre Latinos en los Estados Unidos, convoca a su tercer Coloquio Internacional bajo la temática de Más allá de los bordes y las fronteras: trasnacionalismo y creación, del 13 al 15 de octubre de 2015. En esta ocasión el encuentro versará sobre la presencia e impacto de las migraciones transnacionales en la población latina en los Estados Unidos y sus procesos creativos en torno al arte, la literatura y el cine.
Se reflexionará acerca de la perspectiva del migrante como sujeto social y productor, gestor y creador cultural desde disímiles espacios geográfico-sociales y su inserción en las redes sociales de producción dentro y fuera de las fronteras espaciales.
Estas discusiones se construirán bajo la égida de la multilateralidad y el enfrentamiento a discursos discriminatorios, peyorativos y prejuiciosos que insisten en ver a esta población como amenazadora. El Coloquio, consecuente con la promesa de su edición anterior de provocar un espacio de acción con la presencia de personas de origen latinoamericano vinculadas a las artes, las letras y las ciencias sociales y humanísticas, mantiene la perspectiva de acción dirigida a los enlaces, redes, comunidades y gestores desde la trasnacionalidad cultural y migratoria.
Se proponen como ejes temáticos centrales los siguientes:
1. ¿Trasnacionalismo o trasnacionalidad? Debates sobre una conceptualización
2. Puntos de encuentro y socialización de imaginarios en la creación de latinos en los Estados Unidos
3. Redes sociales desde la producción artístico -literaria y cinematográfica
4. Ciudadanía transnacional étnica en el arte e industria cinematográfico de latinos en los Estados Unidos
5. Migrante colectivo transnacional: organizaciones e instituciones culturales de latinos
Los interesados podrán presentar ponencias individuales o paneles. En cualquiera de los dos casos deberán seguir las siguientes indicaciones:
- Antes del 20 de julio de 2015 deberá estar en nuestro poder un resumen de 250 palabras, con el título de la ponencia y el nombre y apellidos del/a autor/a y la institución a la que pertenece.
- La extensión de las ponencias no será mayor de 15 cuartillas mecanografiadas a doble espacio, lo que equivale a 20 minutos de lectura oral.
- Las/os participantes deberán traer junto con el texto impreso de su ponencia, en el que emplearán las normas internacionales para notas, citas y bibliografía, el texto en una memoria flash o un CD-ROM.
Para facilitar su traslado y estancia en Cuba contacte a su Agencia de Viajes o diríjase a:
3ª y G, El Vedado, La Habana, 10 400, Cuba,
Telf. (537) 838-2706/09, extensión 129. Fax: (537) 834-4554
Se reflexionará acerca de la perspectiva del migrante como sujeto social y productor, gestor y creador cultural desde disímiles espacios geográfico-sociales y su inserción en las redes sociales de producción dentro y fuera de las fronteras espaciales.
Estas discusiones se construirán bajo la égida de la multilateralidad y el enfrentamiento a discursos discriminatorios, peyorativos y prejuiciosos que insisten en ver a esta población como amenazadora. El Coloquio, consecuente con la promesa de su edición anterior de provocar un espacio de acción con la presencia de personas de origen latinoamericano vinculadas a las artes, las letras y las ciencias sociales y humanísticas, mantiene la perspectiva de acción dirigida a los enlaces, redes, comunidades y gestores desde la trasnacionalidad cultural y migratoria.
Se proponen como ejes temáticos centrales los siguientes:
1. ¿Trasnacionalismo o trasnacionalidad? Debates sobre una conceptualización
2. Puntos de encuentro y socialización de imaginarios en la creación de latinos en los Estados Unidos
3. Redes sociales desde la producción artístico -literaria y cinematográfica
4. Ciudadanía transnacional étnica en el arte e industria cinematográfico de latinos en los Estados Unidos
5. Migrante colectivo transnacional: organizaciones e instituciones culturales de latinos
Los interesados podrán presentar ponencias individuales o paneles. En cualquiera de los dos casos deberán seguir las siguientes indicaciones:
- Antes del 20 de julio de 2015 deberá estar en nuestro poder un resumen de 250 palabras, con el título de la ponencia y el nombre y apellidos del/a autor/a y la institución a la que pertenece.
- La extensión de las ponencias no será mayor de 15 cuartillas mecanografiadas a doble espacio, lo que equivale a 20 minutos de lectura oral.
- Las/os participantes deberán traer junto con el texto impreso de su ponencia, en el que emplearán las normas internacionales para notas, citas y bibliografía, el texto en una memoria flash o un CD-ROM.
Para facilitar su traslado y estancia en Cuba contacte a su Agencia de Viajes o diríjase a:
3ª y G, El Vedado, La Habana, 10 400, Cuba,
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Thursday, June 11, 2015
IOSSBR Best Paper Award Winners Atlantic City 2015
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Position announcement: Vice President and Associate Provost for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & CDO, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC
Vice President and Associate Provost for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & CDO
Gallaudet University
Washington, DC
Gallaudet University invites applications for the position of Vice President and Associate Provost for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (VPAPEDI). The VPAPEDI will serve as the campus Chief Diversity Officer (CDO), aligned with a “hybrid” collaborative, unit-based, and portfolio style CDO leadership model. The VPAPEDI position is a senior, cabinet-level position jointly reporting to the university President and Provost, and independently consulting with the Board of Trustees. In reporting to the President, the VPEDI will address staff and administrative concerns; in reporting to the Provost, the APEDI will engage student, faculty, curricular, and scholarship concerns.
The ideal candidate for the VPAPEDI position will have excellent relational skills and bring renewed energy, fresh perspectives, and innovative ideas. The campus has prioritized hiring a community builder who can be described as open-minded, approachable, empathetic, having heart, flexible, a listener, adaptive, an ambassador, and collaborative, as well as courageous, resourceful, adept at conflict negotiation, action-oriented, and an advocate.
Fluency in American Sign Language (ASL) and written English are strongly preferred. Willingness to work toward the development of ASL proficiency and English literacy within two years of assuming the VPAPEDI position is required. To facilitate this development, the university will provide the selectee intensive ASL and English literacy instruction and on-campus housing to create as close to a second language learning immersion experience as is possible.
The ideal candidate will possess a doctorate, with areas of primary expertise in diversity-related higher education leadership, multicultural organizational development, diversity training, social justice education, language learning, international relations, intergroup dialogue, cross-cultural counseling, and/or related fields. She/he will also have an academic profile (including an established, relevant research agenda and success in collegiate teaching) worthy of tenure at the rank of associate or full professor. The candidate will also have demonstrated effective experience in: evidence-based decision making; budgeting; grant-making; staff supervision and management; policy development; equity compliance, mediation, conflict resolution, collective bargaining, and risk reduction; employee and student recruitment, retention, and programming; faculty, staff, and student development; public relations and marketing; purchasing and supplier diversity; multicultural curriculum development and implementation; and diversity-related assessment and evaluation. Candidates who can demonstrate competency in all twelve of the Standards of Professional Practice for Chief Diversity Officers (CDO) established by the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE) in 2014 (http://www.nadohe.org/ standards-of-professional- practice-for-chief-diversity- officers), but who may not possess all of the afore-referenced ideal candidate credentials will be considered.
The VPAPEDI must employ a walk around style of leadership in engaging with university stakeholder and constituent groups, both on and off campus. It is of paramount importance that the selectee makes herself/himself available to students, and is willing to dedicate time to interacting with students in the residence hall context, as well as during evening and weekend activities and events.
The VPAPEDI position search will begin in April of 2015 and conclude in December of 2015. Applications/nominations will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Screening of candidates will begin in August of 2015. Candidate finalists will be invited for campus interviews in November of 2015. The selected candidate will begin work at the outset of the Spring 2016 academic semester
To apply, please submit a letter of interest that carefully addresses the afore-referenced qualifications for the position, along with a Curriculum Vitae or Résumé inclusive of the names and contact information for at least five references (at least one supervisory and one academic). Application materials should be electronically submitted to:
Ms. Rita B. Jenoure
Board Liaison/Presidential Support Specialist
Office of the President
Questions about the search timeline or the position profile should be directed to:
Dr. Christine Clark
Search Consultant
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