Critical Theories in the 21st Century: A Conference on Transformative Pedagogies
4th Annual Conference
Theme: Critical Pedagogy vs. Capital: Reigniting the Conversation
Keynote Speakers: Henry Giroux and Dave Hill
November 6-7 at West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Conference website:
The 4th Annual Conference on Critical Theories in the 21st Century
aims to reinvigorate the field of critical pedagogy. The primary
question driving this conference is: What is to be done to make
critical pedagogy an effective educational weapon in the current
struggle against capitalism and imperialism?
There is no doubt that we are at a critical juncture in history in
terms of the limits of nature’s vital ecosystems, the physical limits
of the progressive accumulation of capital, and the deepening
reactionary ideology and scapegoating that exacerbates the oppression
of youth of color. If critical pedagogy is to play a significant role
in intervening in the current context, then a sharpened sense of
purpose and direction is needed.
Some examples of possible topics include:
Challenging the unholy trinity of state, capital, and religion
Class and the capital-labor dialectic
Identity and economics
Hierarchical and vertical forms of organization (i.e., vanguards
versus networks)
Reform versus revolution
Socialism, communism, & democracy
Affect theory and the new materialisms
The knowledge economy, post-Fordism, and “cognitive capitalism”
Critical geography
While this conference will include important presentations and debates
in critical pedagogy, it will not be limited to this focus. In other
words, as critical theory becomes more inclusive, global, and all
encompassing, this conference welcomes more than just academics as
important contributors. That is, we recognize students and youth
groups as possessing authentic voices based on their unique
relationship to capitalism and will therefore be open to them as
presenters and discussion leaders.
While this conference will include important presentations and
challenging discussions based in critical pedagogy, it will not be
limited to this focus. In other words, as critical theory becomes more
inclusive, global, and all encompassing, this conference welcomes more
than just academics as important contributors.
Please submit proposals to: Curry Malott ( by October 1, 2015.
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