English Teaching, Practice and Critique
Special Issue: Youth Literacies and Social Justice
Abstract Submissions due July 15, 2015
For more information, please visit http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/etpc.htm
Fifteen years into the new millennium. What’s different? What remains the same? In
what ways are youth engaging with literacy in their lives? How is literacy as a social
practice conceived and theorized in relation to social justice? In what ways are
young people talking back and speaking truth to power? What youth literacies have
emerged, and why do they matter?
With continual flows of information encouraged by new technologies, young people
around the world are engaging literacies in ways that demonstrate sophisticated civic
participation and creative production. Literacy practices at home, in school, and in
places in between have arguably become far more visible than ever, and many youth
are contributing to larger discourses and forms of action in their respective contexts.
These youth are increasingly putting their mark on the world despite contradictions
and challenges in politically austere times.
In this special issue, the editors invite trans-disciplinary perspectives on youth
literacies related to social justice. Work that engages with critical race, feminist,
queer, ethnic studies, and Indigenous frameworks are welcome. Topics may include,
but are not limited to, the following:
• Home, school, or community practices
• Digital technologies and participatory cultures
• Pedagogical possibilities across educational settings, inclusive of classroom
practice, research and policy implications
• Participatory work that involves youth in the research process as well as
collaborators and authors
• Youth community activism and community organizing
There will be two sections for consideration: article and creative. The article section
will feature conceptual or empirical papers. The creative section will feature youthproduced
work (poems, short essays, artworks with captions, and related material).
Submit an abstract no longer than 500 words (article section) or a brief
statement about ideas to ETPCyouthliteracies@gmail.com (not Emerald) by
July 15, 2015.
Authors will be notified in mid-August. Full manuscripts of selected abstracts
as well as featured youth produced-work are due on November 1, 2015.
Special issue will be published in November/December 2016.
Korina Jocson, College of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Keisha Green, College of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rob Simon, OISE, University of Toronto
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