Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Upcoming events and opportunities from the TLC!

Upcoming events and opportunities from the TLC!
Texas Language Center
The FLLITE Approach: Activity Design, Assessment, and Publication
Two-day workshop
with Joanna Luks (Cornell University), Chantelle Warner (University of Arizona), and Carl Blyth (University of Texas at Austin) 
Participants will use pedagogical principles and strategies from the Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE) project to create original lessons, discover new open educational materials featuring playful language use, incorporate formative and summative assessment into FLLITE lessons, and prepare and peer-review materials for possible publication. Breakfasts, lunches, and Friday night reception included!
July 15-16
8am-4:30pm (both days)
College of Liberal Arts Building, 
Glickman Conference Center, CLA 1.302B

Cost: $5 students, $10 K-12 teachers, $20 all others
Developing and Assessing 
Intercultural Communication Skills:
Where Language and Culture Meet
with Betty Lou Leaver (Defense Language Institute) and Thomas J. Garza (University of Texas at Austin)

This half-day workshop will focus on developing and assessing intercultural communication skills in the foreign language classroom. Lunch is included.

July 29
College of Liberal Arts Building, 
Glickman Conference Center, CLA 1.302B

Cost: $5 students, $10 K-12 teachers, $20 all others
Language Matters! The TLC's monthly teacher-oriented presentations will be held this fall on mid-month MONDAYS, 2 to 3pm in the Texas Union Sinclair Suite, UNB 3.128. For more information about these and other upcoming events, please visit our website.

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Texas Language Center | The University of Texas at Austin | 512-471-6574 | Email | Website
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Texas Language Center, The University of Texas at Austin,2505 University Avenue, B7800, Austin, TX 78712-1085

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