Special Issue: Constructing and Reconstructing a Critical Discourse and
Pedagogy of Techno-knowledge
Editor: Sandra B. Schneider, Assistant Professor, Educational Research
and Educational Foundations, Radford University, Radford, VA
Email: sschneider@radford.edu
Editor: Dianne Smith, Professor, School of Education, University of
Missouri-Kansas, Kansas City, MO
Email: smithdia@umkc.edu
This proposal for a special issue of Educational Studies is a
continuation of our recent dialogue and critical work regarding Social
Foundations perspectives on the use and impact of electronic and
mobile technologies in Education. Increasingly, Social Foundations
educators are teaching online offerings of traditional face-to-face
courses or serving as instructors in fully-online programs. Online has
become a catch-all phrase in the rapidly changing context of web-based
education. By online we mean all types of courses that are based in
computing and/or the Internet as a location of network contact among
students and instructors. This includes but is not limit to:
Information Communication Technology (ICT), Computer-Mediated
Instruction (CMI), hybrid and blended courses, and synchronous and
asynchronous courses.
Much of our centralized technology discourse in education, which
dominates teacher/administrator preparation trajectories, is
implicitly predicated on notions of technological neutrality,
field-independent instructional models, and formalization of
instruction. Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner (2007) remind us that
our disciplinary legacy, by way of Paulo Freire, Ivan Illich, and John
Dewey, can help us construct and reconstruct a “critical pedagogy of
technology” (p. 431) to respond to our current needs and concerns
regarding electronic and
mobile technologies. It is our desire to sharpen and expand the focus,
scope, and critique of the use, potential, and impact of technology in
Social Foundations.
In this special issue we seek manuscripts that explore the use of
technology in teaching and providing access to Social Foundations
courses, remediation of critical pedagogy in online environments, and
the changing landscape of Social Foundations in the overall push for
online learning.
To submit manuscripts please use our online submission and review
system at Manuscript Central: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.
sure to include a note that your submission is for the Special Issue
on Constructing and Reconstructing a Critical Discourse and Pedagogy
of Techno-knowledge.
Kahn, R., & Kellner, D. (2007). Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich:
Technology, politics and the reconstruction of education. Policy
Futures in Education, 5(4), 431-447.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: June 1, 2013
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