Friday, November 11, 2016

NEPC Statement on Violence and Intimidation in Schools and Communities

NEPC Statement on Violence and Intimidation in Schools and Communities


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BOULDER, CO (November 11, 2016) - In the lead-up to this year’s election and in its aftermath there are widespread reports of violence and intimidation against people because of their race, religion, language, nationality, perceived immigration status, disability, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation. We at the National Education Policy Center, housed at the University of Colorado Boulder, deplore these acts.
As researchers working to improve our public education system, we are alarmed by the impact of this violence and intimidation on our nation’s young people, on the schools they attend, and in the communities where they live. Bigotry, bullying, xenophobia, and violence have no place in our society—especially in our schools. Children have a basic human right to live in communities and attend schools where adults will protect them. We commit ourselves to confronting hatred when we see it and to working with the targeted communities to ensure the safety of all people.  
We ask all those who share our concerns to stand together to express strong support of a democratic society in which we all feel accepted, safe and protected. We urge students, parents, educators and members of our communities to reject the devaluing of civility, to embrace our diversity, and to listen to and learn from one another. Together we must strive to create a compassionate world for our children and ourselves.
For those who experience or witness acts of violence, please report to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Report Hate Website. #reporthate
Here are some additional resources for educators and parents:
Anti-Defamation League’s Curriculum Resource on Helping Students Make Sense of News Stories About Bias and Injustice

The National Education Policy Center (NEPC), housed at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education, produces and disseminates high-quality, peer-reviewed research to inform education policy discussions. Visit us at:

Copyright © 2016 National Education Policy Center. All rights reserved.

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