Monday, December 28, 2015

COMPETENCIA PARA EX BECARIOS: Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund 2016!

Queridos ex becarios,

¡Por fin llegó la tan esperada competencia exclusiva para ex becarios de programas del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) edición 2016! 

La competencia empieza el 9 de febrero del 2016 así es que empiecen a reunir a sus equipos y a trabajar en sus propuestas y presupuestos.


Ø  ¿Porqué existe el AEIF? Creemos firmemente que nuestros ex becarios están preparados para presentar propuestas innovadoras para atender algunos de los retos locales y nacionales más importantes. Darth Vador tiene su Lado Oscuro, pero los ex becarios, los Jedi, tienen el poder del AEIF.  J

Ø  ¿Cómo me ayuda el AEIF a implementar lo que aprendí durante mi intercambio? Durante su intercambio los ex becarios aprendieron nuevas maneras de pensar sobre políticas, instituciones y prácticas. Con su equipo, pueden emplear los conocimientos adquiridos en una propuesta. 

Ø  ¿Si estoy en preparatoria puedo presentar una propuesta? ¡CLARO! Sus ideas son importantes para nosotros. Los jóvenes son nuestros futuros líderes. Incluso pueden buscar a ex becarios con más experiencia para que les den orientación.

Ø  ¿Qué puedo hacer para prepararme para febrero? Piensen en su idea. Preséntensela a amigos y familiares para recibir retroalimentación. Si las personas más cercanas a ustedes están confundidos con su proyecto, es probable que nosotros lo estemos también. Su propuesta debe de tener objetivos claros.

Te estamos avisando del inicio de la competencia con 2 meses de anticipación para darte suficiente tiempo para revisar lasPreguntas Frecuentes que te ayudarán a preparar propuestas increíbles y formar al mejor equipo de todos los tiempos. Este año se han hecho algunos cambios así es que por favor sigue leyendo para conocer los nuevos lineamientos.

-          Solamente habrá una fase en vez de dos.

-          Deberás de enviar tu propuesta al mismo tiempo que tu presupuesto. Los documentos de referencia se encuentran en la página de International Exchange Alumni (

-          No hay votos por parte de ex becarios y los proyectos serán evaluados según el este criterio.

-          Menos integrantes por equipo. De 5 miembros se redujo a 4 integrantes por equipo.

Esta competencia invita a ex becarios a formar equipos de al menos cuatro participantes (el año pasado eran cinco) a presentar proyectos que atiendan temas dentro de una de las siguientes categorías:
·         Empoderamiento de mujeres y niñas
·         Derechos humanos e inclusión social de poblaciones vulnerables
·         Emprendimiento y empoderamiento de jovenes
·         Acceso a la educación
·         Cambio climático y protección ambiental
·         Participación cívica
Para más información de estas categorías, consulte aquí
Los equipos deberán subir sus proyectos a través de la página de International Exchange Alumni ( y competir por una subvención de hasta US $25,000. Todos los proyectos deberán desarrollarse fuera de los Estados Unidos.
Fechas importantes:
  • Febrero 9, 12:00 ET (mediodía): Lanzamiento de AEIF– ex becarios pueden empezar a subir proyectos y presupuestos.
  • Marzo 9: Fecha límite para recibir  proyectos y presupuestos a las 12:00 ET (mediodía).
  • Finales de abril: Se anuncia a los ganadores.
Consulta esta presentación para más detalles:  AEIF 2016 PowerPoint
Mantente al pendiente para participar en sesiones virtuales de preguntas y respuestas el 23 de febrero y el 1 de marzo para responder cualquier pregunta que tengan respecto a los formatos de las propuesta o presupuestos y también puedes consultar el "AEIF Help Desk" de la página.
¿Quiénes pueden participar?
·         Los equipos deben de estar conformados por al menos 4 ex becarios. Todos deben de estar registrados y verificados en la página de International Exchange Alumni antes del mediodía ET del 9 de marzo del 2016.  
  • Al menos uno de los integrantes del equipo debe de ser de un programa patrocinado por el buró de Asuntos Educativos y Culturales del Departamento de Estado y al menos dos de los integrantes deben de ser ciudadanos de un país que no sea Estados Unidos. 
  • Las propuestas deben de ser presentadas por ex becarios que no sean estadounidenses y deben de desarrollarse fuera de Estados Unidos.
  • Los equipos pueden incluir a voluntarios del Peace Corps o ex becarios de otros intercambios patrocinados por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos como SEED (USAID), Cochran or Borlaug (USDA), Boren (DoD), entre otros.
¡Los invitamos a formar sus equipos y a empezar con una lluvia de ideas para presentar un proyecto ganador!
Si tienen preguntas acerca de equipos o de proyectos, por favor comuníquense con su contacto en la Embajada o Consulados.

Elizabeth Andión| Alumni, Youth & Culture

Cultural Section
US Embassy-Mexico
( (55) 5080 - 2000 ext. 4273 | *

Announcing Capacity Building Grants, Study Abroad

Greetings Representatives of Higher Education Institutions,
On behalf of the U.S. Department of State Office of Global Educational Programs, U.S. Study Abroad Branch and Partners of the Americas (Partners), we are pleased to announce the Capacity Building Grants for U.S. Undergraduate Study Abroad. These 17 grants of up to $50,000 will further the mission of the U.S. Study Abroad Branch by increasing the participation and diversity in study abroad through enhancing higher education institutions' capacity to send their students overseas for academic credit, internships, or other experiential learning opportunities. 

Through capacity building grant projects, U.S. institutions will receive initial funding to establish or expand study abroad offerings within their institution in a strategic manner.

The newly developed or expanded programming created with these grants should ensure that U.S. institutions are able to:

  • Provide students at the home institution with an opportunity to gain global knowledge and skills through a study abroad opportunity
  • Increase the overall number and diversity of student participation in study abroad
  • Find and maintain strong international partnerships
  • Broaden the fields of study of participating students and the countries where students are traveling
  • Ensure standards of best practice in study abroad programming are applied

Successful proposals will endeavor to expand access to students underrepresented in study abroad on their respective campus or campuses, including first-generation college/university students, students of diverse race or ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students in underrepresented disciplines in study abroad. The Department of State and Partners encourage applications from a diverse range of U.S. institutions, including but not limited to minority-serving institutions and community colleges.

Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2016 5:00PM (EST). Please visit information on the application. You can also click here to view the Request For Proposals.

Should you have any questions regarding the Capacity Building Grants, you may contact me at

Kind regards,

Janira Romero Reyes
Program Officer, U.S. Study Abroad
Partners of the Americas
1424 K Street NW, Suite 700 Washington DC 20005

Call for Chapter Proposals Research on Education in Africa, The Caribbean and The Middle East

News update from Information Age Publishing
Call for Chapter Proposals

Research on Education 
in Africa, The Caribbean and The Middle East
The University of Alabama
P.O. Box 870232
Tuscaloosa, AL  35487-0232
Editors:  Cynthia Szymanski Sunal and Kagendo Mutua
Dear Colleague:
We are sending you this email to invite you to contribute a chapter to Book VIII of the Series Research in Education in Africa, Caribbean, and the Middle East to be published by Information Age Publishing in the Summer/Fall 2017.  This proposed book will be tentatively titled Transforming Public Education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.
Public education has expanded to serve large populations across the regions of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.  Many nations in these regions are moving into a phase of public education in which a variety of factors are being identified as influencing the quality of public education and its ability to serve all children and adolescents.  It has become evident that ethnic background, gender, religious affiliation, and ability/disability are important factors in who is served and how well the individual is served.  Socioeconomic status continues to be a large factor as that underlies all other factors. 
Educators at all levels are recognizing the need for transformation of both access to, and quality of, public education in the three world regions.  Educators also recognize the social, cultural, and economic factors limiting efforts at transformation.  Yet, efforts to transform current public education are underway.  The chapters in this volume of Research on Education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East will document and describe the status, success, and limitations of public education’s efforts at transformation.  They will provide points from which further research and practice might occur.
Note: The chapters must be built upon original research by the authors.
We hope you consider this scholarly contribution as an opportunity for you to provide researchers, practitioners and policy-makers with knowledge that will enhance the quality of their scholarship and services to persons with exceptionalities with whom they work.
As you know, there are no widespread sources of exemplary research in Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East. As such, though we have developed a list of distinguished potential contributors for the chapters, we realize that there are persons doing excellent work in these disciplines whom we have not included in this invitation. So, we welcome suggestions from you of others whose work we should consider. Please forward to us their contacts or invite them to serve as co-authors with you.
Knowing that you are very busy, we have established time lines that will hopefully allow you to contribute to this book. Dates and associated tasks are outlined below.
 Date                            Tasks to Be Completed
June                             You email response to us on your commitment to write this chapter
September –    
October 30                  Submit a 5-page chapter proposal
December                    Our review of your chapter proposal
February 1                   First draft of your chapter submitted to us
March-April                 Our review of your chapter                                                     
 May                                         Return of your first draft and your final revisions
July 1                           Your final manuscript submitted to us
August                         We submit manuscript to the publisher
Some Guidelines for Preparing the Chapters
Each chapter should be 25 to 30 double spaced pages, including references, submitted in the format required in the latest edition of the APA publication manual. We want each chapter to feature research including suggestions as to how best to promote and advance research and practice in those regions.  While we anticipate great content variability among chapters and while we would like contributors to have needed flexibility in the features of their respective chapters, we are nonetheless offering the following suggestions as a general outline for all chapters as a way to promote some degree of consistency between chapters.
General Outline for Chapters 
A.     Introduction and description of the socio-historical and cultural context of education related to the topic of the chapter 
B.     General description of the topic
C.     Importance of topic in meeting the educational needs of persons in the regions
D.    Topical overview of recent studies in the discipline from those regions 
E.     Implications for advancing research and practice on the topic
F.      Descriptive sample of your own research study conducted in the region; or comprehensive literature review of recent relevant studies conducted in the region
F. References
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest opportunity.  Please send an e-mail reply to let us know if you accept our invitation to write the chapter.  Thank you for considering our invitation.
Best wishes,
Cynthia Szymanski Sunal                                 Kagendo Mutua
Cynthia Sunal, Ph.D.                                       Kagendo Mutua, Ph.D.                                    


Information Age Publishing | P.O. Box 79049 | Charlotte, NC 28271-7047
T: 704.752.9125 | F: 704.752.9113 | E:

Postdoctoral Scholars Opportunity in Transborder Studies

School of Transborder Studies-Postdoctoral Scholars (Job 11453)

Arizona State University’s School of Transborder Studies (STS) at the Tempe campus is accepting applications fortwo postdoctoral scholars for the 2016-2017 academic year. STS is the home to an interdisciplinary faculty focused on the theoretical and empirical examination of transborder processes and communities. STS approaches transborder studies in a way that has been historically grounded in and inspired by the geographical specificity of the U.S.-Mexico border. The program is now expanding to examine other transborder regions. Our areas of concentration include: community development and health; immigration and economic policy; history; media and cultural expression; culture, language and learning; sustainability; and questions of identity and representation of transborder Latina/o subjects including gender, immigration status, race, ethnicity, and sexuality. This approach is unique among U.S. universities and an emerging field of study globally. Both the interdisciplinary scholarship and the location of STS in the Phoenix metropolitan area, which has growing immigrant populations representing countries from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, make the School an ideal place to study transborder issues.

The goal of the postdoctoral program is to provide opportunities for junior scholars to develop research in the area of transborder studies, gain valuable teaching experience, and benefit from professional development. We invite applications from scholars in the social sciences or humanities whose research focuses on the U.S- Mexico border and/or any transborder region of the world. Through our new, long-term research and outreach initiative, the Program for Transborder Communities, postdoctoral scholars will have the opportunity to share their research in a collegial setting.

The start date is August 2016 and this will be a 9-month appointment, with a competitive salary and benefits. Please see the attached job description for additional details including job qualifications and instructions to apply.

Applications are due on January 25, 2016.

Kindly share with your networks.

Thank you, 
Sandy Martinez
Arizona State University | School of Transborder Studies
Business Operations Specialist
Phone: 480-965-7944 | Fax: 480-965-7165 | e-mail:
Interdisciplinary BRoom B165, 1120 S Cady Mall
P.O. Box 876303 | Tempe, AZ 85287-6303 Contact Us  | Follow us cid:image002.png@01CDF3EA.6E1F3C10
Chair-Elect, Commision on the Status of Women
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Faculty Position: Clinical Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions at the University of Hartford

The University of Hartford offers early childhood programs at the undergraduate and graduate level and is seeking a Clinical Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education.  This is a unique opportunity in early childhood education for a qualified applicant seeking an academic community where teaching scholars are valued and there are institutional supports for community engaged research.  

The College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions at the University of Hartford invites applications for a full-time non-tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin August 2016.  The position is early childhood education or related discipline. Experience working with diverse populations is preferred. The initial appointment is for two years with opportunity for renewals and longer-term contracts.  More information can be found here

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter (addressing the position responsibilities and summarizing their teaching philosophy), curriculum vitae with current email address, and the names and contact information for three references to Dr. Paige Bray, Search Committee Chair, Department of Education, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117 or electronically at For inquiries please call Dr. Bray at 860-768-4553. For best consideration, materials should be sent by January 1, 2016.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Position Announcement: Director of Teacher Preparation Program/Senior Lecturer, Colgate University, Department of Educational Studies

Director of Teacher Preparation Program/Senior Lecturer, Colgate
University, Department of Educational Studies

The Department of Educational Studies at Colgate University invites
applications for a full- time Director of the Teacher Preparation
Program that will hold the rank of Senior Lecturer. The Director is
responsible for managing the Teacher Preparation Program as well as
offering foundations courses in both the program and the department.
All our faculty are committed to providing a breadth of course
offerings to students interested in studying education broadly,
including students who are interested in gaining a critical
understanding of larger educational phenomena and students planning a
career in teaching. The ideal candidate will have a strong
interdisciplinary background in Foundations of Education. The Director
will teach a total of three courses per academic year – 1) Seminar on
Curriculum and Instruction in Math/Science (Methods), 2) Supervision
of Secondary Student Teachers, and 3) Introduction to Foundations of
Education course and/or area of specialty. The Director will have
access to Faculty Development Grants, conference travel funding, and
the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research to improve on the
curriculum, pedagogy and possible research in these courses.
The Director will manage the Teacher Preparation Program (TPP) and
work closely with the Chair of the Department of Educational Studies.
This will entail working directly with our TPP students at both the
Undergraduate and MAT levels and connecting with New York State
Department of Education (NYSED), our accreditors TEAC/CAEP, developing
relationships with the local schools, working with the Department of
Educational Studies faculty, and developing relationships with chairs
and faculty in the departments of Math, Science, Sociology and
Anthropology, and History.

Candidates must hold a Ph.D./Ed.D that is expected prior to or shortly
thereafter the time of hire, and possess teacher certification at the
secondary level in Math or Science. We are interested in candidates
with a history of successful and relevant teaching experience at the
secondary level. Candidates should note previous leadership experience
in Teacher Education programs at the university level and familiarity
with the accreditation process, edTPA, state requirements for TPPs,
and the TEACH website. We will recognize administrative experience at
the K-12, university level, or state department of education. Last, we
are seeking candidates that have leadership experience in developing
constructive relationships with K-12 teachers, principals, community
members, families, and students. Experience in identified high needs
schools (urban or rural) is also preferred.

Colgate is a highly-selective liberal arts university of 2800 students
situated in central New York. Further information about the
Educational Studies department can be found at
Colgate strives to be a community supportive of diverse perspectives,
identities, and ways of life. Candidates should describe in their
cover letter [or other statement] their approach to teaching and/or
scholarship in a diverse and inclusive educational environment. Within
this statement, we would like to see evidence of carrying out this
approach in their teaching, scholarship, and/or service to the
community. Colgate University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer; women and candidates from historically
underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

A letter of application that addresses the requirements outlined
above, unofficial graduate school transcripts, current vita, brief
statement of a teaching philosophy, evidence of good teaching, and at
least three reference letters must be submitted through must be
submitted through
Review of applications will begin February 21, 2016 and continue until
the position is filled.

Please contact John Palmer, Chair of Educational Studies, with any

Faculty Position: Open Rank, Tenure Stream Professor, Foundations of Education & Social Studies/English Secondary Education, Colgate University, Department of Educational Studies

Open Rank, Tenure Stream Professor, Foundations of Education &
Social Studies/English Secondary Education, Colgate University,
Department of Educational Studies

The Department of Educational Studies at Colgate University invites
applications for a tenure-stream position in Foundations of Education
with responsibilities in Social Studies/English Secondary Education,
open rank, beginning fall semester 2016. Completion of Ph.D. or Ed.D
is expected prior to or shortly after the date of hire.

All our faculty are committed to providing a breadth of course
offerings to students interested in studying education broadly,
including students who are interested in gaining a critical
understanding of larger educational phenomena and students planning a
career in teaching. The ideal candidate will have a strong
interdisciplinary background and will be able to teach our
introductory class, The American School, and upper-level courses on
their research interests. In particular, we encourage applicants with
demonstrated interests in the following subfields: Decolonial Studies
in Education, Critical Art and Aesthetic Pedagogies, and
Alternative/Community-Based Education.

The hired faculty member will also be responsible for working with
students enrolled in our Secondary Social Studies/English Teacher
Preparation Program (TPP). The faculty member will work directly with
the Director of Teacher Preparation Programs, especially during the
Professional Semester (Student Teaching).

The successful candidate will teach an annual five-course load. One of
the five courses is a curriculum and instruction methods course in
Social Studies/English that includes observing student teachers in the
field and mentoring students in the TPP.

Classroom teaching experience in public schools is desired and work in
identified high needs schools (urban or rural) is preferred.
Candidates should note their history of developing constructive
relationships with K-12 teachers, principals, community members,
families, and students as well as any previous experience working in

All Colgate faculty are also expected to participate in all-university
programs, including the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum.
Please see the website for more information:
Colgate is a highly-selective liberal arts university of 2800 students
situated in central New York. Colgate faculty are committed to
excellence in both teaching and scholarship. Further information about
the Educational Studies department can be found at
Colgate strives to be a community supportive of diverse perspectives
and identities. Candidates should describe in their cover letter [or
other statement] their approach to teaching and/or scholarship in a
diverse and inclusive educational environment. Within this statement,
we would like to see evidence of carrying out this approach in their
teaching, scholarship, and/or service to the community. Colgate
University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer; women
and candidates from historically underrepresented groups are
especially encouraged to apply.

A letter of application that addresses the requirements outlined
above, a scholarly writing sample, current vita, a brief statement of
a teaching philosophy, and at least three reference letters must be
submitted through
Review of applications will begin January 31, 2016 and continue until
the position is filled.

Please contact John Palmer, Chair of Educational Studies, with any