Call for papers: Volume 2, No.2, April 15, 2015
New Perspectives on Bilingualism, Biliteracy, and Biculturalism in a Globalized World
This issue of Global Education Review will present new thinking from the study of bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism in a globalizing world. People throughout the world are rapidly joining multiple language and sociocultural networks spurred by socioeconomic and geopolitical restructuring, increased international migration, growing human rights movements, and revolutionary communication technologies. We are interested in research that builds on the shifts in migration/immigration, the rise in the use of technology, recent changes in governmental language policies related to bilingual education, emerging trends in acquiring and/or learning a second language while nurturing the mother tongue throughout the world.
We are seeking papers that have an international/global focus. Questions that might be addressed include:
the teaching and learning process in developing literacy in two languages that occurs within the social contexts of school and family.
shifts in education policy that have come about as a result of increased power in previously marginalized language groups, and shifts in [immigration and] migration patterns throughout the world.
social and cultural aspects of bilingualism, biliteracy, and bicultural identity (settings include home, school, playground, peer gatherings; influences of technology)
linguistic and language considerations in bilingual education within the geographic context described.
approaches, accomplishments and challenges faced in the training of bilinguals in the teaching professions.
Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words to Abstracts will be reviewed for suitability for inclusion within ten days. Full papers are due by April 15, 2014.
Aramina Vega Ferrer, Mercy College
Victoria Núñez, Mercy College
Carmen I. Mercado, Hunter College
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