Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Call for Papers on Remedies to Racial Inequality Deadline Extended: MAY 15, 2018, International Conference on Remedies to Racial Inequality Vitoria Brazil, September 26-29, 2018

Call for Papers on Remedies to Racial Inequality
Deadline Extended:  MAY 15, 2018
International Conference on Remedies to Racial Inequality
Vitoria Brazil, September 26-29, 2018

Paper and panel submission deadlines have been extended to May 15, 2018 for the 5th World Conference on Remedies to Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality.  Co-hosts are Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo and the University of Minnesota. Conference languages are English, Portuguese, Mandarin and Spanish. Papers on any aspect of racial and ethnic economic inequality are welcome. For more informationabstract submissions, and registration, click here.

A limited number of travel scholarships offered to the best papers submitted by junior scholars.


·        Longer term consequences of persistent poverty and inequality in access to quality health care among low-income, racial and ethnic minority group members.
·        Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of alternative policy interventions designed to reduce racial and ethnic economic inequality 
·        Problems of political corruption and uneven development.
·        Causes and consequences of inequalities in access to health care and alternative health care delivery systems.
·        Racial identity and the evolution of policies in higher education, public employment, and government contracting and procurement.
·        Innovative policies designed to remedy racial and ethnic economic inequality: baby bonds, universal employment, guaranteed minimum income plans.

For questions related to the conference, please email

Samuel Myers
University of Minnesota
263 Humphrey Center
301 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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