Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Educational Testing Service IACAT Summit 2014 Call for proposals

The 2014 Computerized Adaptive Testing Summit: Facing and Solving Educational and Psychological Measurement Challenges in the 21st Century

Hyatt Regency Hotel • Princeton, N.J., USA • October 8–10, 2014
About the 2014 IACAT Summit
The International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing (IACAT) will hold its 2014 Computerized Adaptive Testing Summit on October 8–10, 2014. The summit is hosted by Educational Testing Service (ETS), and this year's theme is "Facing and Solving Educational and Psychological Measurement Challenges in the 21st Century." The summit will focus on the following topics:
  • state-of-the-art psychometric research on computerized adaptive testing (CAT)
  • new conceptions of CAT that are responsive to the challenges and opportunities presented by evolving conceptions of student achievement
  • developments in psychometric theory and assessment design that support adapting tests to individuals or populations
  • applications of CAT in the contexts of personality, workforce and mental health
  • new technologies to support the growing volume of tests
  • new technologies to support new response modalities and accessibility
The summit will be held in Princeton, N.J., which is conveniently located between New York City and Philadelphia and is close to many major highways, as well as public transportation routes that serve both cities.
Keynote Speakers
Fritz Drasgow, University of Illinois
Gunter Maris, Cito and University of Amsterdam
Robert Mislevy, ETS
Mary Pommerich, Defense Manpower Data Center

Scientific Committee
John Barnard, IACAT and EPEC
Cliff Donath, IACAT and Philips Healthcare
Theo Eggen, IACAT and Cito, University of Twente
Lawrence Rudner, IACAT and GMAC
Nathan Thompson, IACAT and Assessment Systems Corporation
David J. Weiss, IACAT and University of Minnesota
Invited Speakers
Carol Chapelle, Iowa State University
Robert Gibbons, University of Chicago
Liberty Munson, Microsoft®
Daniel Wakeman, ETS

Program Committee
Isaac Bejar, ETS
Alina von Davier, ETS
Duanli Yan, ETS
A Call for Proposals
IACAT welcomes proposals for session presentations on any aspect of CAT. Proposals must include the following components:
  1. Proposal title (no longer than 15 words)
  2. Author(s) and their affiliation(s)
  3. Abstract (500 words or less, single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font)
  4. Email address for the submitting author
  5. Required level of understanding of the subject matter (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
A limited number of coordinated sessions will be accepted. If submitting a symposium proposal, for each paper in the symposium follow the instructions above. In addition, please include the following:
  1. Title of symposium (no longer than 15 words)
  2. Organizer(s) and their affiliation(s)
  3. Abstract (500 words or less, single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font)
  4. Email address for the submitting organizer
The deadline for submission is June 30, 2014. Your proposals will be reviewed and notice of acceptance will be sent via email by July 11, 2014. To submit your proposal, complete theproposal form.
Who Should Submit a Proposal?
Anyone who researches or works in the field of CAT can submit a proposal. Although the summit this year is focused on certain aspects of CAT, we are open to diverse proposals to facilitate the exchange of novel ideas and promote all areas of CAT.
Host a Future Conference
IACAT welcomes proposals from organizations to host a future conference. The host of the 2015 conference will be announced during the 2014 summit. The IACAT conference committee will support the host throughout conference planning. If you are interested in hosting a future conference, complete the conference planning form (.doc). For further information, contact us at
Registration for the 2014 conference will open soon. For more information, visit
If you have questions or need additional information, contact IACAT at
Thank you,

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