Monday, July 15, 2013

COMUNICAR Bilingual Journal Call for papers

Comunicar is a bilingual journal (English / Title, abstracts and keywords also in Chinese (  It is indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ®, Social Sciences Citation Index®, Social Scisearch, SCOPUS, MLA, Fuente Academica, ERIH, Library of Congress, among many others (see
Comunicar (print-ISSN: 1134-3478, e-ISSN: 1988-3293) is a refereed professional journal that fosters inquiry into Communication and Education by providing a forum for educators and media professionals to share their research findings and explore ideas and relationships in the field. Comunicar’s readership includes educators from all different educational levels (including Higher Education), teacher learners, researchers and media professionals. Comunicar was first published twenty years ago and it has had 40 issues since then, promptly published in March and October (see
All articles in the journal are in English and Spanish. Articles, authors and topics have a decidedly international outlook. This journal is now in its 20th year and has published 1572 articles of research, experiences, reflections and proposals. We follow a rigorous and transparent system of blind assessment of manuscripts with a national and international scientific editorial board of more than 100 experts in the field, and a broad network of scientific reviewers. The entire digital version can be viewed free. It is printed in Spain for Europe, and in Ecuador and Chile for Latin America (nextly in China, USA, and Mexico). 
Perhaps you’d like to visit our current issue:
We hope you may find it useful. For any suggestions, you may also contact us.

Best wishes,
Dr. Carmen Fonseca
Associate Editor
International Relationships
Consultant Comunicar
University of Huelva
ISSN: 1134-3478 e-ISSN:1988-3293

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