Thursday, March 26, 2015
The University of Texas at San Antonio
HEB University Center Ballroom
HEB University Center Ballroom
With Live Online Global Webcast
Event Website:
Are you ready to make a difference in the Latino community?
Are you ready to connect with and be part of Latino educational leadership?
Latino Education is the economic imperative of our time, and the civil rights issue of our generation. Latino students disproportionately bear the crux of the educational crisis, and this is where the greatest improvements and most fundamental changes must be fared. Please join us for a one-day global summit as we bring much needed attention and discussion to critical issues in Latino education worldwide. Global LEAD will focus on engaging dialogue in order to help create bridges between Latino Education in Latin American and the U.S.
The summit will include four panels and a morning and an afternoon plenaries, which will be organized into research areas: STEM, biliteracy/ESL/TESOL, teaching/pedagogy, arts & education, immigration/migration, community development, and publication and dissemination. Representatives from different countries will form part of each panel ensuring that different sectors of the world will be able to discuss some of the initiatives.
Raise Your Hand, Step In, and Get Involved!!!
Individuals can get involved by either attending the Summit in person at UTSA or virtually via the live webcast and social media. There is no fee associated with participation either in person or virtually. Sites can also register to serve as a Town Hall Viewing site to show the live broadcast.
Register to participate at the UTSA site or as a Town Hall viewing site using the following link: UTSAGlobalLEAD.
For additional information or for questions regarding the process to become a partner, please contact Global Lead at
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